Yes and no... terrible way to start, but it is true. Vitamin supplements are not a replacement for a well balanced diet, but they act as an insurance policy.
When you drive your car you may have the mandatory liability insurance (your diet meets the government recommended daily allowance) however you may feel like you need a bit more coverage and protection. This is where full coverage automotive insurance comes in (diet exceeds recommended daily allowance) or you may even have full coverage + Bodily Injury and Property Damage (your diet exceeds recommended daily allowance and you exercise frequently) or... You can also have full auto coverage + Bodily Injury and Property Damage + Medical Payments (your diet exceeds the recommended daily allowance, you exercise frequently, and you supplement your diet with vitamins).
You as a consumer have the ability to choose your level of coverage and comfort. People buy supplemental insurance for the same reason they buy vitamin supplements, to feel protected. People who buy supplements want to ensure they are receiving the correct nutrients. In our ever-growing population, our food often doesn't contain the right level of nutrients that one would expect to find in fresh fruit and vegetables. Many people could benefit from taking a vitamin supplement whether that be a multivitamin or individual vitamins.
Most important vitamin supplements
For example, vitamin C is critical in the production of collagen, which makes up most of our bodies tissues, ligaments, and bone structure. Collagen is important to maintain skin elasticity (youthful skin), as well as help prevent bruising. The research on vitamin C is plentiful, a simple Google search of vitamin c studies brings up over 30,000,000 results (that's 30 million!). Easily, the most recognized champion for vitamin C is the late Dr. Linus Pauling.
An award winning Chemist and Nobel Peace Prize winner. Dr. Pauling is extensively referenced and quoted by many of today's experts. I encourage you to do your own research and learn about the ongoing studies related to supplementing your diet with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and so forth. I would also recommend you consult your primary healthcare physician before starting any type of exercise program or supplementation regimen. Ultimately it is down to the individual to decide whether or not they need to take vitamin supplements; however, if you are willing to pay for additional car insurance to protect your vehicle, shouldn't you spend a bit more to protect your body?
To get the highest quality supplements visit LivOn Labs. LivOn Labs produces Lypo-Spheric® supplements including vitamin C and other essential antioxidants.